
Tall Tavern is currently in beta. Browse the summary of current features as well as our roadmap of planned features. Have an idea you'd like to see added? Join the Discord and let us know! 


Current features



43 supported TTRPG systems - each edition of D&D, Call of Cthulu, Vampire the Masquerade, Pathfinder, Everyday Heroes, Mouse Guard, Savage Worlds, Shadowrun, Starfinder, The Burning Wheel, The Dark Eye, Numenera, and Burning Empires.


46 supported campaign settings / universes - All major campaign settings that are commonly used in the above TTRPG systems.


Homebrew - Create your own campaign universe to customize AI creation output and give context to your AI chat assistant.




Session Recording – Capture audio during sessions for easy recall and summarization.


Session Transcription – Automatically transcribe recorded sessions, turning audio into written text for future reference.


Session Summarization – Summarize key events, decisions, and story progression from session transcripts, providing concise recaps and campaign journals for your players

  Email recaps - Automatically email session recaps to your players to keep them informed and engaged.




Character Creation – Generate detailed NPCs and player characters, complete with visual and narrative descriptions.


Item and Equipment Creation – Create unique items and equipment, with options for custom visuals and personalized descriptions.


Location Creation – Design locations within the campaign, adding rich details and associated visuals to enhance setting immersion and to help you and your players keep track of your world as it is explored.


Creature and Monster Creation – Generate custom creatures and monsters tailored to the campaign’s setting, with distinct appearances and abilities.




Rules Clarification – Answer rules questions mid-session based on the specific TTRPG system of your campaign, ensuring smooth gameplay without rulebook interruptions.

  Encounter Ideas – Suggest encounter ideas tailored to the campaign’s setting, characters, and current story progression.
  World-Building Support – Provide prompts and ideas for expanding the campaign world, including unique lore, locations, and character ideas.
  Player Character Backstory Integration – Weave in details from player backstories when brainstorming encounters, NPC interactions, or narrative twists.



Planned features


Release 1.4 – Enhanced Usability of Core Features

  • Ability to Upload Audio Files for Transcription and Summarization
  • Ability to Prevent Computer Sleep During Recording (maintain recordings without interruptions)
  • Ensure Recording Persistence Across Navigation (recording continues even when switching tabs within the app)
  • Guided Onboarding for New Users (streamlined setup with onboarding for new users)

Release 1.5 – Enhanced Creation Management and Organization

  • Associate Creations with Other Creations (e.g., link items to characters or creatures to locations for improved organization)
  • Ability to Share Creations with Players (Selective Sharing) (choose which creations to share or keep private within campaigns)
  • Ability to Generate Multiple Image Options per Creation (select from AI-generated image variations)

Release 1.6 – Enhanced Customization and Campaign Context

  • Campaign Tone Options (e.g., gritty, epic, horror, allowing for tonal alignment of creations)
  • Creation Attributes (add categories like personality, backstory, and visual description)
  • Art Style as Option for Campaign Creation (e.g., watercolor, anime, etc., to ensure cohesive style across visuals)

Release 1.7 – Expanded Interaction and Player Engagement

  • Ability for Players to Interact with AI NPCs (players engage directly with NPCs through text-based interactions)
  • Text-to-Voice for AI Responses (add voice synthesis for responses, increasing immersion in play)
  • Ask Rules Question Mid-Game with Voiced Response (GMs can verbally ask for rules clarification with voice responses)

Release 1.8 – Expanded Creation and Sharing Options

  • Ability to Upload Images for Creations (support user-uploaded images alongside generated content)
  • Add Text Directly to Creations (allow manual text entry without initial AI generation)
  • Ability to Share Creations with Other GMs (basic sharing feature, enabling GMs to exchange creations)

Release 1.9 – Expanded Creation Types and World-Building Features

  • New Creation Type: Encounter (dedicated encounter builder with options for location, creatures, and items)
  • Upload a World Map with Location Pins (add map images with markers for locations and track party positions)
  • Add Creations Directly from Assistant Chat (simplify creation flow by adding new entries directly in chat)

Release 2.0 – Advanced Filtering, Search, and Content Options

  • Creation Search (enable keyword search functionality for finding specific creations)
  • More Filtering Options for Creations (e.g., by tag, creation type, etc., for streamlined organization)
  • Preload Accounts with SRD Content (give users quick access to system reference documents as a starting base)

Release 2.1 – Community Sharing and Public Content Access

  • Public Gallery of Creations (shared library of creations that any GM can add to their campaigns)
  • Publish Creations to Discord (directly share creations from Tall Tavern to a linked Discord server)
  • Save Creations to a Public URL (publicly accessible link to creations on Tall Tavern for easy sharing outside the app)

Release 2.2 – Enhanced Visuals for VTT and Campaign Management

  • Create Tokens from Creation Images (generate circular tokens for VTT integration)
  • GM Assignment Options (allow GMs to assign certain elements or tasks to specific players)
  • Campaign Tracking with Creation Progress (track objectives, story progression, and player decisions within campaign management)